Que signifie votre code Code Défaut TOYOTA ?

Grace au système OBD, les Toyota fabriqués après 1996 sont normalement équipés d'une prise diagnostique OBD.
Si l'ordinateur de la voiture rencontre un problème,un code d'erreur ou un code de diagnostic (DTC) sera stocké dans la mémoire de l'ECU de la voiture.
Avec un lecteur OBD branché sur le port OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) de la voiture, vous pouvez lire la liste des codes stockés, et donc découvrir quel est le problème.

Les codes suivent une formule permettant de savoir généralement quel est le problème avant même de regarder le tableau ci-dessous.
Nous vous présentons ci-dessus une liste très complète des différents codes défauts possibles.
Si le code défaut de votre auto s'affiche au tableau de bord, vous n'aurez peut-être même pas besoin d'un lecteur OBD . il sera dans la liste .
Réparer le code défaut de votre auto, c'est potentiellement simple à faire avec vos revues et méthodes techniques.

Revenir aux autres catégories de codes défauts TOYOTA

Réparer le code défaut de votre auto, c’est potentiellement simple à faire avec nos revues et méthodes techniques

Code Libellé
P3491 Cylinder 12 deactivation/inlet valve control circuit low
P3492 Cylinder 12 deactivation/inlet valve control circuit high
P3497 Cylinder deactivation system (bank 2)
P34B7 Exhaust camshaft position actuator temperature sensor circuit high (bank 1)
U0001 High-speed CAN communication bus
U0002 High-speed CAN communication bus performance
U0003 High-speed CAN communication bus (+) circuit/open
U0004 High-speed CAN communication bus (+) circuit low
U0005 High-speed CAN communication bus (+) circuit high
U0006 High-speed CAN communication bus (-) circuit/open
U0007 High-speed CAN communication bus (-) circuit low
U0008 High-speed CAN communication bus (-) circuit high
U0009 High-speed CAN communication bus (-) short circuit to bus (+)
U0010 Medium-speed CAN communication bus
U0045 Vehicle communication bus B (-) short circuit to bus B (+)
U0100 Lost communication with engine control unit/powertrain control unit A
U0101 Lost communication with the transmission control unit (TCM)
U0103 Lost communication with the gear-shift unit
U0104 Lost communication with the cruise control unit
U0106 Lost communication with the glow plug control unit
U0107 Lost communication with throttle actuator control unit
U0108 Lost communication with the alternative fuel control unit
U0109 Lost communication with the fuel pump control unit
U010A Lost communication with exhaust gas recirculation unit A
U010B Lost communication with exhaust gas recirculation unit B
U010C Lost communication with turbocharger control unit 1
U010D Lost communication with turbocharger control unit 2
U010E Lost communication with the reductant control unit
U010F Lost communication with the air-conditioning system control unit
U0110 Lost communication with the drive motor control unit
U0111 Lost communication with battery energy control unit A
U0112 Lost communication with battery energy control unit B
U0113 Lost communication with the emissions critical control information source
U0114 Lost communication with the 4WD clutch control unit
U0115 Lost communication with engine control unit/powertrain control unit B
U0116 Lost communication with the coolant temperature control unit
U0117 Lost communication with the electrical power take-off (PTO) control unit
U0118 Lost communication with the fuel additive control unit
U0119 Lost communication with the fuel cell control unit
U011B Lost communication with rocker arm control unit A
U011C Lost communication with rocker arm control unit B
U011D Lost communication with the all-wheel drive control unit
U011E Lost communication with throttle actuator control unit 2
U0120 Lost communication with the starter/alternator control unit
U0121 Lost communication with the ABS control unit
U0122 CAN-Bus no communication with the ABS/TC
U0122 Lost communication with the vehicle dynamics control unit
U0123 Lost communication with the yaw rate sensor unit
U0124 Lost communication with the lateral acceleration sensor unit
U0125 Lost communication with the multi-axis acceleration sensor unit
U0126 CAN-Bus no communication with the steering angle sensor
U0127 Lost communication with the tyre pressure control unit
U0128 Lost communication with the parking brake control unit
U0129 Lost communication with the brake system control unit
U012A Lost communication with chassis control unit 1
U012B Lost communication with chassis control unit 2
U012C Lost communication with the active vibration control unit
U0130 Lost communication with the steering effort control unit
U0131 Lost communication with the power steering control unit
U0132 Lost communication with the suspension control unit
U0133 Lost communication with the active roll control unit
U0134 Lost communication with the power steering control unit, rear
U0135 Lost communication with the front differential control unit
U0136 Lost communication with the rear differential control unit
U0137 Lost communication with trailer brake control unit
U0138 Lost communication with the all terrain control unit
U0139 Lost communication with the suspension control unit
U0140 Lost communication with the body control unit
U0140 Lost communication with the body control unit (BCM)
U0141 Lost communication with body control unit A
U0142 Lost communication with body control unit B
U0143 Lost communication with body control unit C
U0144 Lost communication with body control unit D
U0145 Lost communication with body control unit E
U0146 Lost communication with gateway A
U0147 Lost communication with gateway B
U0148 Lost communication with gateway C
U0149 Lost communication with gateway D
U0150 Lost communication with gateway E
U0151 Lost communication with the restraint control unit
U0152 Lost communication with the side restraint control unit, left
U0153 Lost communication with the side restraint control unit, right
U0154 Lost communication with the restraints occupant sensing control unit
U0155 Lost communication with the instrument panel cluster (IPC) control unit
U0156 Lost communication with information centre A
U0157 Lost communication with information centre B
U0158 Lost communication with the head-up display
U0159 Lost communication with the parking assistance system control unit
U0160 Lost communication with the audible warning control unit
U0161 Lost communication with the compass unit
U0162 Lost communication with the navigation display unit
U0163 Lost communication with the navigation control unit
U0164 Lost communication with the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) control unit
U0165 Lost communication with the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) control unit, rear
U0166 Lost communication with the additional heater control unit
U0167 Lost communication with the immobiliser control unit
U0168 Lost communication with the security system control unit
U0169 Lost communication with the sunroof control unit
U016A CAN-Bus no communication with the global positioning system/telematics system (GPS/TMS)
U016B Lost communication with the electric air-conditioning compressor control unit
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