Que signifie votre code Code Défaut MERCEDES ?
Grace au système OBD, les
fabriqués après 1996 sont normalement équipés d'une prise diagnostique OBD.
Si l'ordinateur de la voiture rencontre un problème,un code d'erreur ou un code de diagnostic (DTC)
sera stocké dans la mémoire de l'ECU de la voiture.
Avec un lecteur OBD branché sur le port OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) de la voiture, vous pouvez lire la liste des codes stockés, et donc découvrir quel est le problème.
Les codes suivent une formule permettant de savoir généralement quel est le problème avant même de regarder le tableau ci-dessous.
Nous vous présentons ci-dessus une liste très complète des différents codes défauts possibles.
Si le code défaut de votre auto s'affiche au tableau de bord, vous n'aurez peut-être même pas besoin d'un lecteur OBD . il sera dans la liste .
Réparer le code défaut de votre auto, c'est potentiellement simple à faire avec vos revues et méthodes techniques.

Réparer le code défaut de votre auto, c’est potentiellement simple à faire avec nos revues et méthodes techniques
Code | Libellé |
SCH FBF1F4 | Component 'E3e4 (Left turn signal light)' has an open circuit. |
SCH FBF1F5 | Component 'E3e4 (Left turn signal light)' has an open circuit. |
SCH FBF1F6 | Component 'E3e4 (Left turn signal light)' has an open circuit. |
SCH FBF1F7 | Component 'E3e4 (Left turn signal light)' has an open circuit. |
SCH FCF1E3 | Component 'Left additional turn signal lamp' has a short circuit to positive. |
SCH FCF1E4 | Component 'Left additional turn signal lamp' has a short circuit to ground. |
SCH FCF1E5 | Component 'Left additional turn signal lamp' has an open circuit. |
SCH FCF1F6 | Component 'Left additional turn signal lamp' has an open circuit. |
SCH FCF1F7 | Component 'Left additional turn signal lamp' has an open circuit. |
SCH FDF1E3 | Component 'E4e4 (Right turn signal light)' has a short circuit to positive. |
SCH FDF1E4 | Component 'E4e4 (Right turn signal light)' has a short circuit to ground. |
SCH FDF1E5 | Component 'E4e4 (Right turn signal light)' has an open circuit. |
SCH FDF1F4 | Component 'E4e4 (Right turn signal light)' has an open circuit. |
SCH FDF1F5 | Component 'E4e4 (Right turn signal light)' has an open circuit. |
SCH FDF1F6 | Component 'E4e4 (Right turn signal light)' has an open circuit. |
SCH FDF1F7 | Component 'E4e4 (Right turn signal light)' has an open circuit. |
SCH FEF1E3 | Component 'Right additional turn signal lamp' has a short circuit to positive. |
SCH FEF1E4 | Component 'Right additional turn signal lamp' has a short circuit to ground. |
SCH FEF1E5 | Component 'Right additional turn signal lamp' has an open circuit. |
SCH FEF1F6 | Component 'Right additional turn signal lamp' has an open circuit. |
SCH FEF1F7 | Component 'Right additional turn signal lamp' has an open circuit. |
SIL 1000 | The potentiometer voltage 'height setting' is too high. |
SIL 1001 | The potentiometer voltage 'height setting' is too low. |
SIL 7214 | The specified height is incorrect. |
SIR 1000 | The potentiometer voltage 'height setting' is too high. |
SIR 1001 | The potentiometer voltage 'height setting' is too low. |
SIR 7214 | The specified height is incorrect. |
SPA 0403 | Seat belt tensioner on driver side has fault Short circuit to ground. |
SPA 0404 | Seat belt tensioner on driver side has fault Short circuit to positive. |
SPA 0405 | The capacity of the belt tensioner ignition circuit on the driver side is too big. |
SPA 0406 | The capacity of the belt tensioner ignition circuit on the driver side is too small. |
SPA 0501 | Seat belt tensioner on passenger side has fault Short circuit. |
SPA 0502 | Seat belt tensioner on passenger side has fault Open circuit. |
SPA 0503 | Seat belt tensioner on passenger side has fault Short circuit to ground. |
SPA 0504 | Seat belt tensioner on passenger side has fault Short circuit to positive. |
SPA 0505 | The capacity of the belt tensioner ignition circuit on the passenger side is too big. |
SPA 0506 | The capacity of the belt tensioner ignition circuit on the passenger side is too small. |
SPA 0803 | This fault code is not currently used by control unit SRS supplemental restraint system. |
SPA 0901 | Undervoltage at terminal 15 |
SPA 0902 | Overvoltage at terminal 15 |
SPA 0903 | Control unit SRS supplemental restraint system has triggered. |
SPA 1020 | Communication between control unit SPA Lane Assistant and the vehicle CAN bus is inoperative. |
SPA 1504 | Vehicle speed signal is below range. |
SPA 1520 | CAN signal failure of vehicle speed signal C3 |
SPA 2041 | Control module SPA Lane Assistant has detected undervoltage. |
SPA 2042 | Control module SPA Lane Assistant has detected overvoltage. |
SPA 2104 | Signal line of brake wear sensor at right of 2nd rear axle is interrupted. |
SPA 2105 | Measurement value of brake wear at right 2nd rear axle is implausible. |
SPA 2120 | CAN signal failure of brake wear at 2nd rear axle right |
SPA 2205 | Measured value (position signal) of tachograph is implausible. |
SPA 3085 | Control unit SPA Lane Assistant is defective. |
SPA 3105 | Vehicle speed signal C3 is implausible. |
SPA 3120 | CAN signal failure of vehicle speed signal C3 |
SPA 3150 | The attachment or installation position of component Camera is not correct. |
SPA 3185 | Component Camera is defective. |
SPA 3201 | One of the cables to component Camera has Short circuit to ground. |
SPA 3203 | One of the cables to component Camera has Open circuit. |
SPA 3205 | Communication between control unit SPA Lane Assistant and component Camera is faulty. |
SPA 3220 | CAN signal failure of engine speed signal |
SPA 3320 | CAN signal failure of engine torque specified value |
SPA 3420 | CAN signal failure of measured value of ambient air temperature |
SPA 4081 | Component SPA Lane Assistant has excess temperature. |
SPA 4105 | Measured value of retarder oil temperature is implausible. |
SPA 4110 | Maximum permissible retarder oil temperature is exceeded. |
SPA 4120 | CAN signal failure of measured value of retarder oil temperature |
SPA 5110 | Maximum permissible engine oil temperature is exceeded. |
SPA 5113 | Engine oil viscosity is incorrect. |
SPA 5120 | CAN signal failure of measured value of engine oil temperature |
SPA 5205 | Measured value of the coolant temperature is implausible. |
SPA 5210 | Maximum permissible coolant temperature is exceeded. |
SPA 5220 | CAN signal failure of measured value of coolant temperature |
SPA 6505 | The 'service brakes' signal from control unit ABA Active Brake Assist is invalid. |
SPA 6605 | The 'driving direction' signal from control unit GS Gear control is invalid. |
SPA 8050 | The parameterizing height of the camera is incorrect. |
SRRR 530609 | CAN communication with component 'A53a (Driver assistance system (VRDU2) control unit)' is faulty. |
SRRR 530613 | CAN communication with component 'A53a (Driver assistance system (VRDU2) control unit)' is faulty. |
SRRR 540009 | CAN communication with component 'A10c (Electronic brake control (EBS) control unit)' is faulty. |
SRRR 540013 | CAN communication with component 'A10c (Electronic brake control (EBS) control unit)' is faulty. |
SRRR 550009 | CAN communication with component 'A15 (Front radar sensor (RDF) control unit)' is faulty. |
SRRR 550013 | CAN communication with component 'A15 (Front radar sensor (RDF) control unit)' is faulty. |
SRRR 580609 | CAN communication with component 'A3 (Drive control (CPC) control unit)' is faulty. |
SRRR 580613 | CAN communication with component 'A3 (Drive control (CPC) control unit)' is faulty. |
SRRR BF0309 | CAN communication with component 'A1 (Instrument cluster (ICUC) control unit)' is faulty. |
SRRR BF0313 | CAN communication with component 'A1 (Instrument cluster (ICUC) control unit)' is faulty. |
SRRR D50709 | Communication cannot be established with the component 'A149 (Short range radar slave control unit (SRR-R))'. |
SRRR D90704 | The supply voltage of component 'A148 (Short range radar master control unit (SRR-R))' is too low (undervoltage). |
SRRR DA0703 | The supply voltage of component 'A148 (Short range radar master control unit (SRR-R))' is too high (overvoltage). |
SRRR DB070C | The field of view of component 'A148 (Short range radar master control unit (SRR-R))' is completely restricted. |
SRRR DC0704 | The power supply of component A148 (Short range radar master control unit (SRR-R)) has undervoltage. |
SRRR DD0703 | The supply voltage of the component 'A148 (Short range radar master control unit (SRR-R))' is too low. |
SRRR DE0707 | Faulty alignment was detected at component 'A148 (Short range radar master control unit (SRR-R))'. |
SRRR DF0707 | Component 'A148 (Short range radar master control unit (SRR-R))' has a malfunction. |
SRRR E0070D | Component 'A148 (Short range radar master control unit (SRR-R))' is defective. |
SRRR E20704 | The ambient temperature of the component 'A149 (Short range radar slave control unit (SRR-R))' is below the permissible range. |
SRRR E30703 | The ambient temperature of the component 'A149 (Short range radar slave control unit (SRR-R))' is above the permissible range. |
SRRR E4070C | The field of view of component 'A149 (Short range radar slave control unit (SRR-R))' is completely restricted. |
SRRR E50704 | The supply voltage of component 'A149 (Short range radar slave control unit (SRR-R))' is too low (undervoltage). |
SRRR E60703 | The supply voltage of component 'A149 (Short range radar slave control unit (SRR-R))' is too high (overvoltage). |
SRRR E70707 | Faulty alignment was detected at component 'A149 (Short range radar slave control unit (SRR-R))'. |
SRRR E80707 | Component 'A149 (Short range radar slave control unit (SRR-R))' has a malfunction. |
Revue technique RTA
Revue Technique Automobile
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Entretien courant MTA
Méthode Technique Automobile
La MTA est issue de nos outils destinés aux pros de l'auto. Ces méthodes en ligne permettent d'effectuer les opérations de maintenances de votre auto (filtres, courroies, etc.)
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Méthode Technique Automobile Expert
La MTA expert est un outil en ligne destiné aux experts en mécanique et en carrosserie, pour effectuer tous types de réparations sur une voiture.
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