Que signifie votre code Code Défaut MERCEDES ?

Grace au système OBD, les Mercedes fabriqués après 1996 sont normalement équipés d'une prise diagnostique OBD.
Si l'ordinateur de la voiture rencontre un problème,un code d'erreur ou un code de diagnostic (DTC) sera stocké dans la mémoire de l'ECU de la voiture.
Avec un lecteur OBD branché sur le port OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) de la voiture, vous pouvez lire la liste des codes stockés, et donc découvrir quel est le problème.

Les codes suivent une formule permettant de savoir généralement quel est le problème avant même de regarder le tableau ci-dessous.
Nous vous présentons ci-dessus une liste très complète des différents codes défauts possibles.
Si le code défaut de votre auto s'affiche au tableau de bord, vous n'aurez peut-être même pas besoin d'un lecteur OBD . il sera dans la liste .
Réparer le code défaut de votre auto, c'est potentiellement simple à faire avec vos revues et méthodes techniques.

Revenir aux autres catégories de codes défauts MERCEDES

Réparer le code défaut de votre auto, c’est potentiellement simple à faire avec nos revues et méthodes techniques

Code Libellé
9219 A1 (Instrument cluster) - Faulty variant coding
9221 Interior CAN bus-No CAN message from control unit Engine.
9222 A1 (Instrument cluster)-Warning light ESP is faulty
9228 A1 (Instrument cluster) - Shutoff due to undervoltage
9240 Voltage supply of receiving antennaThis fault code is not currently used by control unit RDK
9241 N88/1 (TPM [RDK] control unit)-Short circuit to ground.
9242 Antenna not or not correctly connected; This fault code is not currently used by control unit RDK
9301 Component M16/8 (Blending air flap actuator motor) is blocked or has reversed polarity or has Open circuit.
9303 Component A32/2m2 (Blend air flap actuator motor) is blocked or has reversed polarity or has Open circuit.
9309 A32/2 (Rear automatic air conditioning recirculation unit)-In-car temperature sensor Short circuit to GND
9320 Event:CAN bus-Failure of interior CAN bus.
9321 Event:CAN bus-Failure of interior CAN bus.
9325 Multifunction steering wheel-Short circuit to ground.
9326 N80s2 (Cruise control switch)-The component is faulty.
9329 Component S110s5 or S111s5 (pushbutton for fanfare horns) is defective
9334 Steering angle sensor internal fault
9346 Event:Fault in CAN communication with control unit Instrument cluster
9346 No CAN message was received from control unit 'A1 (Instrument cluster)'.
9348 Event:Communication over engine CAN bus is faulty
9349 Drive train CAN bus OFF fault.
9349 Event:Communication over engine CAN bus is faulty
9349 Engine CAN bus-The CAN bus has failed
9350 No CAN message was received from control unit 'N22/7 (Automatic air conditioning control and operating unit)'.
9352 Communication with the CAN-bus has a malfunction
9352 Event:N80b1 (Steering angle sensor)-Invalid value
9352 Steering angle sensor speed too high
9353 N80b1 (Steering angle sensor)-The actual value is not within the permissible range
9353 Steering angle sensor has overflow
9358 S144s3 (Windshield washer system switch)-Button constantly actuated.
9370 Lost communication with the additional heater control unit
9371 Communication fault with component PTC heater booster
9388 Communication error of AC bus with component M2/6 (Left blending air flap actuator)
9390 Communication error of AC bus with component M2/7 (Right blending air flap actuator)
9390 R12/34 (Center front passenger ETR [GUS] squib)-Resistance too large.
9391 R12/34 (Center front passenger ETR [GUS] squib)-Resistance too small.
9392 R12/34 (Center front passenger ETR [GUS] squib)-Short circuit to positive.
9393 R12/34 (Center front passenger ETR [GUS] squib)-Short circuit to ground.
9394 R12/34 (Center front passenger ETR [GUS] squib)-Test plug connections R12/34 (Center front passenger ETR [GUS] squib) and X28/40 (Center front passenger ETR [GUS] connector).
9395 R12/34 (Center front passenger ETR [GUS] squib)-Plausibility error.
9398 Communication error of AC bus with component M2/16 (Left and right defroster flaps actuator)
9400 The CAN bus is reporting an LED fault.
9401 The fuel level is not sufficient for heating mode.
9403 M16/8 (Blending air flap actuator motor)-Teach in of actuator motors was not successful.
9404 A32/2m2 (Blend air flap actuator motor)-Teach in of actuator motors was not successful
9406 Climate control unit, left side footrest flap servomotor, defective
9408 Climate control unit, left side defrost flap servomotor defective
9422 There is an internal fault in the CD/DVD drive
9429 The Audio/COMAND display has overtemperature.
9430 A56 (Tachograph)-Fault of distance pulse output
9432 The Bluetooth antenna has a short circuit to ground
9434 The Bluetooth antenna has an open circuit
9460 Speaker channel 1 has a malfunction
009461 Speaker 1 - Short circuit to ground
9461 Speaker channel 1 has a short circuit to ground.
009462 Speaker 1 - Short circuit to positive
9462 Speaker channel 1 has a short circuit to positive
009463 Speaker 1 - Open circuit
9463 Speaker channel 1 has an open circuit
9464 Speaker channel 1 has a short circuit
009464 Speaker 1 - Short circuit to each other
9465 Speaker channel 2 has a malfunction
009466 Speaker 2 - Short circuit to ground
9466 Speaker channel 2 has a short circuit to ground
009467 Speaker 2 - Short circuit to positive
9467 Speaker channel 2 has a short circuit to positive
9468 Speaker channel 2 has an open circuit
009468 Speaker 2 - Open circuit
009469 Speaker 2 - Short circuit to each other
9469 Speaker channel 2 has a short circuit
009470 Speaker 4 - Short circuit to ground
9470 Speaker channel 4 has a short circuit to ground.
9471 Electrical fault: PTC heater booster
009471 Speaker 4 - Short circuit to positive
9471 Speaker channel 4 has a short circuit to positive.
9472 Speaker channel 4 has an open circuit.
009472 Speaker 4 - Open circuit
009473 Speaker 4 - Short circuit to each other
9473 Speaker channel 4 has a short circuit.
9474 Speaker channel 5 has a malfunction
9479 Speaker channel 6 has a malfunction
9483 Speaker channel 8 has a malfunction
9488 Electrical fault: M2/6 (Left blending air flap actuator)
9490 Electrical fault: M2/7 (Right blending air flap actuator)
9498 Electrical fault: M2/16 (Left and right defroster flaps actuator)
9499 TV antenna 1 has a malfunction
9500 gs51-The control module Inspect foot throttle actuator for dirt particles/ foreign bodies jammed in between; detects a non-coded squib at pins 37 and 38
9501 gs51-The control module Inspect foot throttle actuator for dirt particles/ foreign bodies jammed in between; detects a non-coded squib at pins 39 and 40
9502 gs51-The control module Inspect foot throttle actuator for dirt particles/ foreign bodies jammed in between; detects a non-coded squib at pins 41 and 42
9503 gs51-The control module Inspect foot throttle actuator for dirt particles/ foreign bodies jammed in between; detects a non-coded squib at pins 43 and 44
9504 gs51-The control module Inspect foot throttle actuator for dirt particles/ foreign bodies jammed in between; detects a non-coded squib at pins 45 and 46
9504 M4/13 (Air conditioner 1 additional fan)-Component K9 (Additional fan relay) or line to component has short circuit to ground.
9505 M4/13 (Air conditioner 1 additional fan)-Component K9 (Additional fan relay) or the line to the component has a short circuit to positive or open circuit.
9506 gs51-The control module Inspect foot throttle actuator for dirt particles/ foreign bodies jammed in between; detects a non-coded squib at pins 49 and 50
9506 M4/14 (Air conditioner 2 additional fan)-Component K9 (Additional fan relay) or line to component has short circuit to ground.
9506 The Audio/COMAND controller has a malfunction
9507 gs51-The control module Inspect foot throttle actuator for dirt particles/ foreign bodies jammed in between; detects a non-coded squib at pins 51 and 52
9507 M4/14 (Air conditioner 2 additional fan)-Component K9 (Additional fan relay) or the line to the component has a short circuit to positive or open circuit.
9508 M4/16 (Roof air conditioner 1 additional fan)-Component K9/5 (Roof additional fan relay) or line to component has short circuit to ground.
9509 gs51-The control module Inspect foot throttle actuator for dirt particles/ foreign bodies jammed in between; detects a non-coded squib at pins 55 and 56
9509 M4/16 (Roof air conditioner 1 additional fan)-Component K9/5 (Roof additional fan relay) or the line to the component has a short circuit to positive or open circuit.
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